Project Post Review: Successful Nationwide POS System Rollout at Le Pain Quotidien

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Case Study: Transformative POS System Upgrade at Le Pain Quotidien

Client Background:

Le Pain Quotidien (LPQ), a renowned bakery and restaurant chain, is celebrated for its organic and artisanal fare, served in a rustic, communal setting. With a significant presence nationwide, LPQ is committed to enhancing customer experience through technological advancements and operational efficiency.


In pursuit of this commitment, LPQ faced the daunting task of overhauling its Point of Sale (POS) system across all locations within a strict deadline of 8 weeks. The primary objective was to transition to the Toast POS system, a move expected to streamline operations and improve customer service. However, the project's complexity and scale posed significant logistical and technical challenges.

Solutions Provided


The initial phase of the rollout, managed by their previous provider RTG, encountered setbacks. Installation issues led to operational delays, impacting bakery opening times. Recognizing the need for a more effective approach, LPQ collaborated Toast POS who directed LPQ to Phoenix Geeks. This strategic shift led to a revised implementation plan, prioritizing minimal disruption to daily operations.


The new strategy involved after-hours installation, starting at 1600 hours, to ensure readiness for the next business day. This approach mitigated the impact on bakery operations and customer experience. Following the installation, the old equipment was systematically packaged and returned to wholesalers, streamlining the transition process.

A critical aspect of the rollout was staff training and support. Teams returned to each location at 0600 hours for comprehensive training sessions, ensuring staff were well-equipped to handle the new system. Additionally, 'Go Live Support' was provided until 1400 hours to address immediate concerns and facilitate a smooth transition.

The Conclusion


This meticulously planned and executed project culminated in a successful nationwide rollout, completed 2 days ahead of schedule and under budget. The efficient implementation and minimal operational disruption were key to this achievement. LPQ recognized Phoenix Geeks for their instrumental role in this success, highlighting their expertise and commitment to excellence.

Client Testimonial:

"As Le Pain Quotidien embarked on this critical IT upgrade, we faced significant challenges that tested our resolve and adaptability. The partnership with Phoenix Geeks and the support from Toast POS were pivotal in turning the situation around. The team's dedication, technical acumen, and customer-centric approach not only helped us achieve our goals but also set a new standard for operational efficiency within our establishments. This project is a testament to what can be achieved with the right partners and a shared vision for excellence." - [IT Department Dir , Le Pain Quotidien]


The successful rollout of the Toast POS system at Le Pain Quotidien exemplifies the power of strategic partnerships, technical expertise, and a customer-focused approach. This case study serves as a model for effective technology integration in the hospitality industry, paving the way for enhanced operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Project Post Review: Successful Nationwide POS System Rollout at Le Pain Quotidien

Project Post Review: Successful Nationwide POS System Rollout at Le Pain Quotidien

Project Overview:

Le Pain Quotidien, famously known as LPQ, embarked on an ambitious IT upgrade project, transitioning to the Toast Tab POS (POS) system across all its nationwide locations within an 8-week timeframe. This massive endeavor was initiated with the guidance and support of their IT staff.

Initial Challenges:

The project commenced with their existing provider, RTG, spearheading the rollout. However, the initial phase encountered significant hurdles. The most notable issue was the delayed opening of bakeries due to installation complexities, which led to operational disruptions. This early setback necessitated a strategic pivot.

Collaboration with Toast POS:

In response to these challenges, they turned to Toast POS, who provided our name to their IT Department, marking a turning point in the project. Our team adopted an efficient installation strategy, commencing work at 1600 hours to seamlessly integrate the new system without interrupting bakery operations.

Execution and Training:

Post-installation, our focus shifted to meticulous packaging and return of old equipment, ensuring a smooth transition. Crucially, we prioritized staff training and support, returning to each location at 0600 hours for comprehensive training sessions. This was followed by 'Go Live Support' until 1400 hours, where our team was available on-site to address any queries and ensure a smooth operational transition.

Successful Completion and Recognition:

Remarkably, this well-orchestrated project was completed 2 days ahead of schedule, a testament to the dedication and efficiency of our team. The successful rollout not only met but exceeded expectations, coming in under budget. Phoenix Geeks, our partner in this venture, was rightfully acknowledged for their pivotal role in this achievement.


This project stands as a shining example of effective teamwork, adaptability, and technical proficiency, contributing significantly to the operational efficiency and customer service excellence at Le Pain Quotidien.

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