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Phoenix Geeks Knowledgebase

3CX Phone System

How VoIP Works: A Beginner’s Guide

Discover the simplicity of VoIP! Learn how your voice travels as digital data over the internet, making calls flexible and cost-effective. Ideal for both tech

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Toast - Word Orange Rec


POS or Point Of Sale is the computers used by a retail company, lodging, or restaurant to ring in sales.

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Domain Name

Shortening Your URL

To shorten your URL, paste the URL in the form below, and hit submit. The system will then give you a shortened link which you

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vLAN or Virtual Lan

vLAN or Virtual Lan is a networking protocol which allows the same wired or wireless network to be used for many networks.

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Subject Matter Expert (SME)

A subject matter expert (SME) is an individual who is considered to be an expert on a particular topic or subject. SMEs are often asked

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Ultimate Guide to Setting Up a Smart Home for Maximum Energy Efficiency

Transform your home into a beacon of sustainability and innovation with our ultimate guide to setting up a smart home for maximum energy efficiency. Learn how to seamlessly integrate cutting-edge technology like smart thermostats, LED lighting, and solar panels to not only enhance your living space but also significantly reduce your carbon footprint and utility bills. From conducting an initial energy audit to optimizing water usage and embracing renewable energy, this guide offers step-by-step instructions to make your home smarter and greener. Whether you’re a tech-savvy homeowner or new to the smart home world, discover practical tips and insights to make your household more energy-efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly.

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How VoIP Works: A Beginner’s Guide

Discover the simplicity of VoIP! Learn how your voice travels as digital data over the internet, making calls flexible and cost-effective. Ideal for both tech enthusiasts and newcomers, this guide demystifies modern communication. Join the VoIP revolution!

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Android is one of the most previlent operating systems for phones and small devices in the world.

Add Work Profile to Your Android Device

Here is a link to an article on Google which discusses adding your Google Workspace account (work profile) to your samsung device.

Basically, add the account, and the system will realize you need work profile, ask you to install it and then configure it for you.

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Toast - Word Orange Rec


POS or Point Of Sale is the computers used by a retail company, lodging, or restaurant to ring in sales.

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Shortening Your URL

To shorten your URL, paste the URL in the form below, and hit submit.  The system will then give you a shortened link which you can pass out.

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Subject Matter Expert (SME)

A subject matter expert (SME) is an individual who is considered to be an expert on a particular topic or subject. SMEs are often asked to provide input or advice on projects, products, or processes that fall within their area of expertise. In many cases, SMEs play an important role in helping to ensure that a project is successful.

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